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V is for Victory!

So if you've been visiting even just occasionally......you'll probably get the idea that I am a very visual person. I am guessing that this is one of the reasons I babble on and on sometimes all the time. I guess it's because I really want to get what is going on in my head (scary place!) and heart and get it out in words. Most of the time, WAY too many words/run-on sentences, grammatical nightmares and abuse of all forms of punctuation. Then I take you way off on some tangent. But that is another story and yes, medication has been suggested to me many times.

So today.....I will share briefly what is on my heart.....and leave you with a visual that I feel best sums it up.

Not sure who needs to hear/see this......but I know I cannot be alone on this. Being in a place where you feel like you are really breaking through some areas in your life and the Light is starting to shine again. You start to work out the kinks in those tired muscles and get back on your Walk. And just as soon as you start to pick up the pace.....the enemy throw down a roadblock......a set back. He knows where you are heading, and will do anything in his power to keep you bound in frustration, depression and bondage. He knows if he keeps you there, you will be unproductive. He tells you lies and reminds you of your short-comings/failures.

But I am here to remind you that God is the Great I Am. He is and will continue to be with you through it all. He knows the ending to this situation and will never let you down.
There is nothing in this world that He cannot do. There is no addiction He can't break, there is no heart He can't change, there is no medical report He can't contradict. He will bring peace beyond understanding. He will bring hope to the discouraged.

I encourage you friends to never give up. And pray. If you continue to press ahead, give it all over to Him.....and trust in His promise.....there will always be a Victory.

(excuse the quality, but I had to sketch what was going on in my head quickly and scan it)

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
~1 Corinthians 15:57

Be well, my friends and celebrate the Victory~



katdish said...

I'm a visual person as well, and that visual is AWESOME!

Thanks for the encouragement today.

dude said...

I'm soooo glad the score is on our side! I think it's a great visual, thanks for sharing!

jasonS said...

I love your reminder (I really needed it) and I love your visual representation. Puts it all in perspective!

I'm very visual which can be scary at times, but it's a good thing today as I read your post. Thanks Michelle.

JLynn said...

Michelle, Thank you SO much for today's post! I have been breaking new ground in my walk with the Lord and this is a good 'head's up'. I need to stay alert. There's a lot going on and many chances for things to trip us up.
Thanks again!

Sandra Heska King said...

Great visual of victory! Thanks for visiting my blog today.

Duane Scott said...

Brilliant. I didn't realize what kind of a visual person I was until I saw that picture.

Truly, I want to keep one on my desk today and just tally the score as I go. :)

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

A good word of encouragement, and yes, I completely understand what you mean. I'm in a place of breakthrough, roadblock right now. Praying God's strong "V" in the matter.

Thanks for stopping by the blog. You're welcome there any time!


Mich said...

love this!

thanks for the prayers.

Teresa said...

I'm a visual person...and I love your post. So beautiful! Thank You for the reminder of WHO is VICTORY...my focus must be on my VICTORY>>>ALMIGHTY GOD!

Shark Bait said...

I think you're gonna need a bigger page. :-)


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