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The Resurrection

The Resurrection gives your life meaning and direction
and the opportunity to start over...
no matter what the circumstances.

~Robert Flatt

I hope and pray that you all enJOY this beautiful weekend coming up. We celebrate......and as we shout and rejoice that "Christ has Risen!!"......we also can say "We will rise" as well!!!

Peace and love~

ps. Thanks to all who have shared, tweeted, posted my son's video this past week......we still are overwhelmed! The message has impacted so many.....we read the comments on Youtube and see that so many people (children/adults) can relate and have also found some peace in their heart. Some have also have courage to speak up/out. Thank you again! :)

Proud Mama Moment

My son Hunter is an inspiring film maker....he is only 17, but has a gift with the camera how he "sees" life through his own lens.

Here is the latest video that he filmed/edited/etc. The fact that the artist, Pink, tweeted this to her 3.6+ million followers is insane enough to make us beam with pride.....but when Hunter gives God all the Glory for being blessed with his talent/opportunities.....well that is more than we could ever dream about.

Please watch this amazing video with a powerful message......and please share!!! (you will have to pause my music player)

He is on Facebook ..... HLFilms

Thank you for allowing me to share........


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