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The WOW factor

So I was listening to this preacher, Jeff Shreve and he was talking about the Grace of God. Then he mentioned this particular Scripture

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.~2 Corinthians 8:9

Think about this:

Rich is described as having wealth or great possessions; of great value or worth; valuable; abounding in natural resources.

So here is God sitting on His Throne in Heaven (and according to Isaiah)......His train filling the Temple with the angels singing and praising Him singing "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His Glory".

He has everything, He is rich beyond rich in all ways......yet He steps down off of His Throne and enters the world. He didn't even choose to be born in a prestigious influential family.......no, he was born in a barn. He slept in a trough. His parents were poor and came from Nazareth, a very small and insignificant town. (John 1:46 reminds us that this was probably on the wrong-side-of-tracks kinda town....."Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?")

Then, at the height of His ministry.......He is imprisoned, mocked, beaten beyond imagination, spit upon and scourged. He has stakes nailed through His hands and feet, and then has a crown of thorns smashed into his skull. He is then hoisted up between the Earth that He created and the Heavens that He reigned. He took His last breath and said "It is finished". Jesus paid our ransom to free us from sin and death.

The ransom (a price paid to achieve some one's freedom) was Paid in Full.

For me.

For you.

I don't know about you, but my stomach has been in knots when I really really started thinking about this. Not just taking for granted and knowing that "Jesus Christ died for our sins".....but really bringing me back the awe factor on what God has done for us.

I guess this message brought me in the WOW factor mode.

And I don't want to ever leave.

**I believe this message can inspire and bring hope.......so I linked it on up with all the folks over at Bridget's place . Hop on over for more great posts on this subject!


Mich said...


What a great reminder and way to start my day! Thanks!

RCUBEs said...

Yes, glory be to God. Without Him, there is no hope. There is no life.

Blessings to you sister and I didn't feel good for the past few days. By His grace, I'm feeling better. Have a great weekend!

Joyce said...

I loved reading this today...I'm feeling the same right now and I love the way you put it into words.

Have a great weekend!

Kristina P. said...

You are truly an inspiration!

jasonS said...

Great reminder. I lean on grace and do my best to follow where He leads and many times it doesn't make sense (to me or anyone else looking around), but then I can look at Jesus and see His life didn't "make sense" either. By all accounts, He shouldn't even be remembered today, but He is because He is Lord and all that confusion and uncertainty was turned to revelation of God's glory and mercy.

Yes, WOW! Thanks Michelle.

Tracy said...

You're so right. When I think on all Christ did for me, I'm more than blown away

Shark Bait said...

If contemplating the Heavens and all of creation make us feel small and insignificant; then contemplating something like this reminds us just how important we are... to Him.

Sometimes I wonder how I can ever forget that, but I do.


Anonymous said...

That is worth a "Wow!" Sometimes, it's easy for that to be lost on us. Thanks for the reminder!

Beth E. said...

Wow, indeed! A very powerful, almost overwhelming, feeling of God's mercy and grace.

Powerful post, Michelle!

photogr said...

All I can say is " Smile God loves you".

Michael Perkins said...

I think Matt's comment summed it up beautifully.

Glynn said...

His birth, his family, his background -- it all confounded the expected. It came at us not like we would expect God to do -- but like God planned to do. And I think part of it was to confound our expectations -- to show us what God truly is like. Beautiful post.

HisFireFly said...

Thanks for sharing your awe, your wonder and your praise of He Who truly Is beyond description.

Beautiful post.

dude said...

When Christ came...He brought hope. Thanks for reminding us!

Tammy@Fear Not said...

"'His train filling the Temple with the angels singing and praising Him singing "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His Glory".

Wow, is so accurate. When I read the above part, I was awestruck. It makes my heart do a leap.

Anonymous said...

Very powerful post, my friend. Thanks for the great reminder!


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