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Proverbs 27:27

Hello friends......
Hope this finds you all smiling and well.....I've got a few things that Jesus is teaching me as I dig deeper into His Word. I am getting my thoughts together on them (remember, my ADD is always on overdrive, it might be a while)....so in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to share what we've been up to with our little farm and the "fruits of our labor".


"You will have plenty of goats' milk
to feed you and your family......."

~Proverbs 27:27

Feeling blessed that we now have this......

(fresh goat's milk from our does)

so that we can make this..........

(fresh "queso blanco" goat cheese)

and this.......

(carrot cinnamon goats' milk soap)

all while giving Him all the Glory!

....have a beautiful day~



dude said...

I don't like Goat's milk (milk period, I guess) but I love the simple truth of this post!


~*Michelle*~ said...

Jay, funny thing...I am not a milk drinker either. And at first the thought of "goats" milk made me think of a musty yuck taste!

But I have to say, these little Nigerians that we are raising give a great creamy milk (highest fat content) and I've swapped it into "reg" milk containers and the kids don't really notice. I am really looking forward to more soap making and learning other kinds of cheese recipes too.

The best part is.....spending the time with my family, learning about it all.....and thanking God for choosing *us* to tend to His animals.

Beth in NC said...

You are so smart to do this. I've never tried goat milk, though I know when I was little we had goats so my Daddy could have goat milk. Supposedly, it was good for his ulcers. ??? Come to think of it -- I never saw him milk one of those goats. lol

Have a blessed day sweet Michelle!

alicia said...

Wow! I am impressed! I have never drank goats milk just as is, but do love goat cheese and goat's milk soap!! Have fun with it!

Kathy C. said...

Awesome!!!! I love goat cheese...I bet fresh is the best. You are blessed.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That soap looks awesome. I have never had goat milk or cheese. So happy that God is providing for you.

Bina said...

Love the cheese...and the fact that He takes the time to show us these little truths that serve to light up our hearts for Him!!

Thanks for sharing...and enjoy a little bit for me!!

Duane Scott said...

Mmmm.... You had me at cheese. This is really a beautiful concept. :)

Jennifer @ JenniferDukesLee.com said...

I'm so glad you shared this with me, Michelle. It is just like you said in the email: "something about the simplicity of God's way of providing..."

So, so true.

Anonymous said...

Always loved that Proverb ever since we got into goats! Mmmmmmmm goat milk, haven't had any in a long time!


Tracy said...

I'm really impressed with your actually making all these things!

Kim said...

Looks like you are enjoying summer and life.


Anonymous said...

Wowie! I envy your domesticity.

Nishant said...

love the simple truth of this post!
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