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prayer request

Just popping on quick to ask a prayer request for my best friend Lili's son. Mical, 18, has had a painful lump under his arm for the past month. They have seen a few doctors/surgeons, ran many tests that have come back negative and/or inconclusive. He has been on two different rounds of antibiotics and so far nothing has helped. Initially, the surgeon suspected cat scratch disease for which they still are waiting for the results. (bloodwork was done last week). Being pro-active in that diagnosis, the surgeon put Mical back on the antibiotics again last week. Well as of last night, there still was no change (and no result of the bloodwork) so Lili took him to the hospital where he was admitted. They did a CAT scan and there definitely is a mass in his lymph node. The specialists are still leaning towards the initial cat scratch disease, but also had to give the worst case scenario as a possibility too (lymphoma). Please lift Mical up in your prayers that this is a treatable benign condition and a full recovery/healing. The last time I spoke to Lili (about an hour ago)......Mical was spiking a fever and they were trying to get it down. Please also keep Lili and David in your prayers, prayers for peace, strength and wisdom.

I will update as soon as I find out anything.

I know Father that You can do anything......... so I ask You to place Your Healing Hands on Mical and free him from his pain and affliction. May his healing be another testimony to Your amazing Grace and bring Glory to Your Name. In Your Holy Name, Amen.



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